


Using iPad as a secondary screen: spacedesk with wired connection


  • There are tutorials online that use network connections to achieve secondary screen display, but they have the following drawbacks:

    1. Can only be used on the same local network
    2. If you want to use it on different networks, you need to implement intranet penetration
    3. Although the network latency is low, it is definitely not as low as a wired connection
  • Therefore, this tutorial documents the process of using a wired connection, assuming that the spacedesk application is installed on both the iPad and Windows devices.

Getting Started#

  1. Open USB Cable IOSimage

  2. Connect the iPad using a type C data cable

  3. Open the iTunes application on the computer, or you can choose to open iTools

  4. Enjoy using the iPad as a secondary screen


  • The 11-inch screen of the iPad still feels a bit cramped for displaying computer screens
  • It is recommended to adjust the scaling in the display settings on Windowsimage



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