


Blogger custom domain name and pitfall avoidance.

Blogger Custom Domain and Pitfalls Avoidance#

This article will introduce how to add a custom domain to Blogger and provide specific settings for Cloudflare and other domain providers.

Step 1: Register a Domain#

Purchase a domain from your preferred domain provider. We recommend GoDaddy because it is affordable. You can search on Google for specific ways to purchase a domain and transfer it to Cloudflare.

Step 2: Enter Custom Domain in Blogger#

Click on "Custom Domain" in Blogger.

Enter your custom domain. If you want to access your website directly through example.com instead of using a prefix like prefix.example.com, add "www." before your domain. If you need a different prefix, change "www." to your desired prefix. You will be prompted to add two CNAME records for DNS resolution.

Step 3: DNS Resolution#

Go to the Cloudflare DNS resolution panel and enter the two CNAME records provided by Google. Then click "Confirm".

Pitfall Avoidance#

Make sure to click on the small cloud icon to change it to gray for DNS proxy. Otherwise, Blogger will keep reminding you that the settings cannot be refreshed.

Re-enter the domain in Blogger. If there are no error prompts, the custom domain setup is complete.

Step 4: Redirect#

Similar to Step 3, go back to the Cloudflare panel and continue adding DNS records. Set the following four IP addresses as A records:

Enable HTTPS.

The custom domain setup is now complete!

PS: According to Google, it may take up to 24 hours for DNS resolution to take effect. However, in our experience, it usually happens quickly. You can try refreshing multiple times.

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